Spandan: A new beginning: August 8 of every year marks the beginning of the NIAM Foundation Week celebration. The event is highlighted by cultural, literary and sports activities performed during the foundation week.

Markveda: Markveda is one of the most popular events in NIAM which instills healthy spirit of competitive feeling among students in order to win.

Markveda Title - This event catalyzes students' business acumen and understanding by organizing business plans, paper presentations, stock market games and new product launch among the students. Markveda is scheduled once in every two trimesters. It includes:

• Inquizition- The business quiz. Navakriti: The product launches.
• Shreshtha - The exploration of the talent pool, to bring out the best among all.

Infotainer: All the publication activities on behalf of students are made by Infotainer Club. One of such initiatives from Infotainer is monthly news letter 'VISTA' which is circulated to various corporate houses. 'OLIVE', is a quarterly sector specific publication by the NIAM students compiling their views regarding analysis of burning issue and different agricultural sub-sectors, the latest facts, information, changes in the policies, well processed into their view point's regarding the took place events.

Skyrius: Every year in the month of September NIAM celebrates Skyrius- the home coming of the alumni.The unique feature of Skyrius is that it provides a unique opportunity to students at campus to interact with the faces in corporate.

Message From DG's Desk

Agriculture plays a vital role in economic development of the country, while facilitating employment generation and poverty alleviation.

Shri Faiz Ahmed Kidwai, IAS
Additional Secretary (Marketing)
Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare and Director General,

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