Citizen’s /Client’s Charter


CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing

Kota Road, Bambala (Near Sanganer)

Jaipur -302033



Address: Kota Road, Bambala, Near Pratap Nagar

Sanganer, Jaipur- 302033 (Rajasthan)

Website :

Citizen’s Charter of NIAM

  • About the NIAM :-
    • 1.1 The CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) is the premier National level Institute in the field of agricultural marketing set up by the Government of India in August 1988.
    • 1.2 The Institute is an autonomous body operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. The Union Minister for Agriculture is the president of the General Body of NIAM and the Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is the Chairman of the Executive Committee.
  • Vision :- To be an Institute of excellence and repository of knowledge, to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural marketing systems which are inclusive and empower the primary producer, by building capacity of various stakeholders through teaching, training, applied research, policy advocacy, and consultancy services.
  • Mission:-
    • To build marketing systems to enable primary producers, particularly small and marginal farmers to enhance their net income.
    • To contribute to agri-business market development and management knowledge and practice through cutting edge applied research and its dissemination.
    • To facilitate efficient, sustainable and inclusive agro value chains.
    • To facilitate formulation and modification of public policy on agricultural marketing through action oriented, applied research and consultancy.
    • To nurture innovative agri-prenuers and professionals to manage emerging agri-business concerns.
    • To enhance international co-operation in agriculture marketing for global food security and sustainable agriculture.
  • Mandate :- The mandate of the Institute includes research, training, consultancy, education and policy support to the Government.
    • Training
    • Research
    • Consultancy
    • Education
    • Policy Support
  • List of Stakeholders/Clients :-
    1 Citizens of India
    2 Ministry of Agriculture & Famers Welfare
    3 Farmers, Farmers Organizations, Agricultural marketing functionaries and stakeholders.
    4 Central Government and its organizations.
    5 State Governments and their organizations including State Agriculture Marketing Boards.
    6 Private sector and industry working in the field of agriculture marketing.
    7 Students of PGDABM programs, students from several Agricultural Universities and other official guests visiting NIAM, Agribusiness Companies, Banks, Development Agencies.
    8 Contractors/Agencies/Vendors delivering goods and services to NIAM.
    9. NIAM employees, Contract employees.
    10 Vendors providing services in NIAM.
  • Main Services/Transactions :-
    S.No.ServicesUnit/Service HeadContact detailsProcessFees
    1 Training Dr. S.R.Singh, Dy. Director 0141-2795132, 8860617457, 8094777748
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Coordinate with other faculty for organizing training programs. Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application. As per the norms of the Institute
    2 Research

    Dr. Shuchi Mathur, Asstt. Director


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Obtaining approval of proposals within time frame and acceptance of completion reports. Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application. As per TOR
    3 Consultancy Dr. S.R.Singh, Dy. Director

    0141-2795132, 8860617457, 8094777748
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Preparing proposals and delivering the outputs. Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application. As per TOR of Consultancy Project.
    4 Post Graduate Diploma in Agri-Business Management (PGDABM)

    Dr. S.R.Singh,

    Dy. Director

    8860617457, 8094777748

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Director, PGDABM. Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application. As per approval
    5 Administration

    Dr. Sahdev Singh, Director

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Administration, Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application NIL
    6 Accounts Shri. M. K. Jain, Section Officer

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Account Section, Reply to the stakeholder will be given within 15 working days of receipt of the application. In case of payment it will be given within 7 working days. NIL
  • Grievances Mechanism and Time Frame for Disposal :-
    S.No.Name of the Public Grievance OfficerHelpline NumberE-mailMobile Number
    1 Dr. Sahdev Singh, Director 0141-2795117 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 8826139738

Contact Point :-

Director General

Ch. Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (CCS NIAM)

Kota Road, Bambala, Sanganer, Jaipur-302033- Rajasthan

Telephone: 0141-2770027, 2795104/Fax: 0141-2770595, 2771938

Total Visit Counts :- 5915956